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Tissue Paper Products Market in Bangladesh 2023

Tissue Paper Products Market Growing In Bangladesh 2023

Tissue paper products are paper-based materials that are used for personal and household hygiene purposes, such as toilet paper, facial tissues, paper towels, napkins, etc. The tissue paper products market in Bangladesh is one of the fastest-growing segments in the paper industry, with a projected revenue of US$3,684.00m in 20231. In this article, we will discuss the main trends and developments in the tissue paper products market in Bangladesh, as well as the challenges and opportunities faced by the local manufacturers and importers.

Bangladesh's paper industry holds huge export potential

Trends and developments

One of the major trends in the tissue paper products market in Bangladesh is the “shift from newsprint and printing paper to tissue and hygiene paper” due to digital disruption. As more people consume digital media and online content, the demand for newsprint and printing paper has declined significantly. On the other hand, the demand for tissue paper and hygiene paper has increased as people seek more convenience and comfort in their daily lives. According to Statista, the revenue in the Paper Tissues segment amounts to US$187.60m in 2023, and is expected to grow annually by 5.92% (CAGR 2023-2027). The revenue in the Toilet Paper segment amounts to US$1,124.00m in 2023, and is expected to grow annually by 4.97% (CAGR 2023-2027).

Another trend in the tissue paper products market in Bangladesh is the “increasing demand for paper tissues”, especially facial tissues, as a result of “rising disposable income”, “urbanization”, and “hygiene awareness”. As more people move to urban areas and enjoy higher living standards, they tend to use more paper tissues for personal care and beauty purposes. Moreover, as people become more aware of the importance of hygiene and sanitation, they prefer to use disposable paper tissues instead of reusable cloth towels or handkerchiefs. According to Statista, the average revenue per capita in the Paper Tissues segment is expected to amount to US$1.11 in 2023. The average volume per person in the Paper Tissues segment is expected to amount to 0.32kg in 2023.

Tissue & Hygiene Paper - Bangladesh

 Challenges and opportunities

However, the tissue paper products market in Bangladesh also faces some challenges and opportunities “in terms of tissue raw material supply”, “quality standards”, “pricing”, and “competition”.

One of the main challenges is the “scarcity and high cost” of raw materials, such as wood pulp, recycled paper, and chemicals. Bangladesh relies heavily on imports for these raw materials, which makes them vulnerable to fluctuations in global prices and exchange rates. Moreover, the local manufacturers have to comply with strict environmental regulations and quality standards imposed by the government and international organizations. These factors increase the production cost and reduce the profit margin of the tissue paper products industry.

tissue paper jumbo rolls -yuanhuapaper
tissue paper jumbo rolls -yuanhuapaper

On the other hand, there are also some opportunities for the tissue paper products market in Bangladesh to grow and expand. One of them is the potential for “product innovation and differentiation”, such as introducing new types, features, and benefits of tissue paper products that cater to different consumer needs and preferences. For example, some consumers may prefer softer, smoother, or scented tissues; while others may look for eco-friendly, biodegradable, or antibacterial tissues. Another opportunity is the possibility of exploring new “sales channels and markets”, such as online platforms or rural areas. By using digital marketing strategies and offering convenient delivery services, the tissue paper products industry can reach more customers and increase its sales volume.

In conclusion, the tissue paper products market in Bangladesh is a promising and growing segment in the paper industry that has a lot of potential for further development. The market is influenced by various factors such as digital disruption, rising disposable income, urbanization, hygiene awareness, raw material supply, quality standards, pricing, and competition. The market participants and stakeholders need to be aware of these factors and adapt their strategies accordingly to overcome the challenges and leverage the opportunities in 2023 and beyond.

(1) Tissue & Hygiene Paper – Bangladesh | Market Forecast – Statista.
(2) Toilet Paper – Bangladesh | Statista Market Forecast.
(3) Paper Tissues – Bangladesh | Statista Market Forecast.

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